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Gregg J. Stark Indianapolis DUI Attorney Gregg J. Stark Indianapolis DUI Attorney

A Focus On Defending Impaired Driving Cases

Having over thirty years experience as an owi lawyer is all well and good. However, experience alone is not enough to assure that you are consulting with the best defense lawyer to meet your needs. I believe what is truly the calling card of a qualified attorney is the ability to devote many years of practice to a single legal specialty. It is only a legal professional who has achieved an exemplary reputation over the course of years that can afford to maintain a law practice in one single minded specialty to the exclusion of all others.

I Take Pride In Protecting People Just Like You & Me Every Day.

Good people going through the ordeal of an owi arrest want to know that the attorney they hire “gets it.” People need to know that their attorney truly cares about their plight and has pride in preserving a reputation built through years of success helping those at one of the lowest points of their life. Clients do not want to be talked down to or lectured. People want to be treated with respect and have their questions answered promptly and in a way they can understand. Unfortunately, over the years, I too am amazed as to how these simple truths need to be taught to practicing lawyers.

With all of my clients I recognize the importance of being a solid person as much as an effective lawyer. Without a relationship built on trust and the knowledge that I truly care for the protection I provide, a client may always question the legal assistance given long after a case’s conclusion.

Learn how I became a defense lawyer to discover more about my philosophy, reputation and experience.

In any drunk driving case, it is vital that you have professional legal representation focused on dui defense to achieve the best results possible. You will be facing some serious penalties, including potential incarceration, the loss of your driving privileges, heavy financial consequences, and more. To combat all of these legal and social penalties, you will need a capable defense attorney who knows the field of OWI, understands how cases are effectively brought to trial and who has experience in successfully resolving these types of prosecutions in all parts of Indiana.

My law practice focuses on defending good people charged with impaired or drunk driving anywhere in Indiana. That concentration means that I know the laws, procedures, and court systems that handle drunk driving cases. I engage in these legal matters on a daily basis to the exclusion of other types of legal matters. Your family lawyer may excel at providing legal help with your estate or at giving you sound business advice. He or she may be very ill-equipped, however, at providing the quality of representation you need in a complex OWI case involving chemical test lab results, field sobriety tests, drug laws, search and seizure procedure, breath/blood draw evidence or other associated technical and legal factors which may be relevant.

A competent defense attorney will provide the detailed and specific care that each client represented needs. As an attorney, I pride myself on the level of compassion, care, and professionalism that I bring to every client I meet. I know that your future depends on how well you are represented and that my reputation rests on the level of effectiveness I achieve on your behalf. I am here to effectively fight the charges you face, but I can’t make the call to you. Reach out to me anytime so that we can discuss the defense strategy needed to help you achieve the most favorable outcome possible.

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